Till December 31st, 2019, on the Arte Laguna World platform, I ‘m exhibiting my most recent operas.

Vases and sculptures from the series “The great heart of women”.

The great heart of women is the leitmotif that guides me; our great capacity to give, the double-edged sword that can sometimes hurt us and the terrific effort we have to make to obtain equal opportunities.

The effort that I like to symbolized in the electrified hair of my Ladies, the thought that even if you have straight hair to the head for stress and burdensome life situations it is important to maintain positive thoughts and behaviours cultivating one’s affections.


Next October, in Dubai, will be inaugurated the Expo 2020 and for this occasion, I realised my new project, The Dubai Globe.

The title is “Dream

A globe focused on Dubai and its main buildings, the Burj Khalifa, the Burj Al Arab, the Dubai Frame and the main pavilions of Dubai expo 2020.

The city of dreams for those who design and build it, who governs the city, who wants, first of all, to astound themselves, with its extraordinary architectures, spectacular light effects and captivating splendour.

The dream of those who move here, the persons that have contributed to its realization and hopes in turn to realize its own dream, a better life for itself and for its family.




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