Sunday, June 23 I wake up early and I take advantage of it, I decide to go to the beach.

Nice to arrive when there are few people and the sea is calm.

On the way I listen to the radio announcing the news that Greta, the Swedish ecologist girl, has decided not to take the plane anymore, thus denouncing the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere by the jet engines of the planes.

I know that in the afternoon there will be a parade of tricolor arrows in the sky of the Ravenna coast.

At about 11.00 the planes begin to arrive for the tests and I left.

Coming home as usual I feel against the tide, the traffic of the cars heading towards the sea and I return, some friends met on the beach told me they would stay to watch the show.

In the past I saw the tricolor arrows, it is a beautiful, exciting event, this year it seems that it has been creepy, on the notes of Puccini, and of the aria “Nessun dorma”, the longest tricolor in the world.

But I wonder, and it’s not the first time, can we still afford things like this in economic and ecological terms?

Thanks Greta that you make us think, we hope in these new generations !!!!

Fortunately, my house and my studio are fresh, in the garden the hydrangeas have bloomed.

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