“Trap” is a composition of four contemporary pop mosaics, each cm. 30×30.


It represents the uncomfortable shoe par excellence.

The shoes are made with painted bubble wrap applied to the coloured mortar on wooden and metal background.

After using bubble wrap for a mail art project, a decade or so ago, I was thinking about what to do next. I have always used this material to package the ceramics that I sell and transport, and I am influenced by its artistic use. Lightness is the added value to the mosaic effect to which the swollen air bubbles at regular distances recall. The uncomfortable shoe is the pop subject that inspired me.

“Per essere belle bisogna soffrire la pelle”, “To be beautiful, you have to suffer from your skin”, my mother said to me ironically when I was a child. And I have always tried to wear comfortable shoes and clothes, to feel freer, to be able to walk a lot without sacrificing elegance.

I would like us women to learn to be more self-confident and less dependent on male / male-dominated judgment and approval.

Trap is on sale on saatchiart.com/ visible on artelaguna.world

Writing at robibarlati@gmail.com, the price of the complete composition of four mosaics is €. 500 plus shipping.

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